The birds carry the melody, bees hum in rhythm, and the breeze lifts the scent of soil and fragrant blooms and fill my lungs with the song of the Earth.

When the sun warms my back and the flowers dance in rhythm to the breeze, I can’t help but feel the Earth is singing.

Wasatch Blooms began out of a desire to connect with my community and the Earth.

There is a love that comes from the soil, that climbs up the stems into the flowers, begging to be seen and appreciated.

I feel this connection and I can only share it as best I know how, through sharing the flowers, through sharing the garden’s song. 

I grow flowers to connect, to be sustainable, to support local ecosystems and regenerate the soil.

I grow intensively on an urban lot and mix market gardening with permaculture ethics. I grow beneath the mountains in Paradise, Utah and serve the Salt Lake and surrounding communities.

So when you hold your bouquet and you smell the flowers and the breeze and the bumble bee, breathe them in deeply. Take it into your body and fill your lungs with the song of the Earth.

wasatch blooms is a proud member of the following organizations

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