Cold Loving Flowers to Grow in Utah
I am often asked how I can grow flowers in such a cold environment, especially as all my flowers are field grown while we wait to build our high tunnel.
But there are so many amazing cold loving flowers, you don’t have to be in a tropical climate to enjoy an abundant flower garden.
So I wanted to share with you some of my favorite annual cold loving flowers.
The Best Version of Them
Mother’s Day is approaching and I can’t help but be reminded of something I heard once at a farming conference. I heard someone say that a farm is like a child and the farmer a parent. That it is our job as the farmer/parent to help the farm/child to become their best selves. Not a version of us, though that may happen, but their best selves.
Ready for the Season
One of the seeds I planted yesterday was saponaria, a small branching flower that I trialed last year. I love its movement and its airy nature. It is a flower that makes me think of children dancing.
I can’t wait to see it again this year, to see those soft pink and white petals dance in the bouquets.
The Feeling of Spring
The first day of spring has finally arrived. It may not look like it on my farm that still has easily a foot of snow. But it has.
The snow is melting quickly and the robins have returned. The sandhill cranes have also announced themselves with their call echoing off the mountains.